Global Teens Online Meet-ups
🏆 我们的全球青少年见面会在联合国主办的2022年“信息社会世界峰会”上荣获冠军!
Our Global Teens MeetUps project has received the 2022 Champion Prize at the UN-sponsored World Summit in the Information Society (WSIS)!🏆
为支援全球疫情,闻韶国际教育联合 EduHabor 面向世界所有国家 9-15 周岁的孩子,举办线上见面会。以此为平台,建立国际同龄人相互沟通、分享和支持的通道。活动为公益性质,不收取任何费用。约每1-2周举办一次,每次约40-50分钟。会议由联合国SDGs教育大使Margarita Lukavenko女士及其他专业国际教育工作者主持。
For Studetns Well-being during COVID-19 times
WeShall Education together with EduHabor organized the Global Teens Online Meet-ups for 9-15 year-old students to connect, learn and share interesting topics as a form of support during the COVID-19 times. This is a completely free activity. It's 40~50 minutes per session with students from all over the world. It runs weekly or every two weeks, hosted by the UN TeachSDGs Ambassador, Ms.Margarita Lukavenko and other professional educators.报名条件 Who Can Apply
1. 年龄在9-15周岁;
Between 9~15-year-old;
2. 需父母签字同意;
Parent's signed approval;
3. 具有连接互联网的设备和条件;
Good internet connection to join the course;
4. 能够使用基础英文表达自己的想法;
Level of English: students are able to express their thoughts in English;5. 有意参加者请点击下方按钮填写申请表报名;
Click below button and register by filling up the application form;
6. 报名成功后,我们将尽快安排与学生的视频英语面试,面试时长约30分钟。
A 30-minute English online interview will be arranged after successful registration.
Global Teens MeetUps #1
会议主持:联合国SDGs教育大使Margarita Lukavenko女士
Time:28 April, 2020 | 20:00 UTC+8
Meeting Platform: ZOOM
Facilitator: Margarita Lukavenko (a UN TeachSDGs Ambassador and a professional educator)
As the topic of the first meetup suggested: "How are you? Get to meet each other", we played a couple of simple introductory games that helped the students to discover and share how they feel during the current circumstances. We then brainstormed on what each of us could do to relax and focus more, we also discussed what the students would like to learn and teach each other in the upcoming meet-ups.
Global Teens MeetUps #2
会议主持:联合国SDGs教育大使Margarita Lukavenko女士、Jeremy Deligeard先生联合主持。
会议内容:引导学生借由分享各自国家的饮食习惯,了解各国的美食文化,同时加深彼此之间的了解。另外,学生 David 同大家分享了他的编程经验和心得。David来自哥伦比亚,今年15岁。他曾于一年半以前参加我们的“青少年线上全球胜任力”课程,受益良多。用他自己的话说,这个课程颠覆了他既往所有对学习这件事情的理解和体验。此后,David在正常学习之余,成立了自己的公司,与志同道合的朋友一起做编程开发。他还应老师之邀,为学校同学上编程课。
Time:5 May, 2020 | 20:00 UTC+8
Meeting Platform: SKYPE
Facilitators: Margarita Lukavenko & Jeremy Deligeard
The students got to know each other better through food-culture games as well as learning about the food culture of each student's country. In addition, one of the students, David shared about his experience and skill on coding. David is 15 year-old from Columbia. He was one of our students in the Global Competence Online Project in 2018. According to David, it was a course that changed his understanding and experience about studying. He opened his own studio of coding projects afterwards, which was about a year ago. Also, he is invited by his school teacher to introduce coding to his classmates.第3次见面会
Global Teens MeetUps #3
“Let's Chill And Talk About Travel”
会议主持:联合国SDGs教育大使Margarita Lukavenko女士、Jeremy Deligeard先生联合主持。
Time:19 May, 2020 | 20:00 UTC+8
Meeting Platform: SKYPE
Facilitators: Margarita Lukavenko & Jeremy Deligeard
The students talked about travelling. A student from Zimbabwe shared her experience living and studying in Beijing.我们的项目合作伙伴 EduHarbor 是由Margarita Lukavenko女士创建的教师社群平台,旨在为世界各地的教育工作者提供支持,以及真实、有效、前沿的教育相关资讯。
Our cooperating partner, EduHarbor is an online community for educators, founded by Ms. Margarita Lukavenko. It is to support the professional educators from all over the world by providing valuable and most advanced educational resources, information and training.